The free Fortune Cookies are coming fresh from our bakery and carry something special inside that is just for you, without the calories. Crack open, one, two, three... as many as you want and receive your mysterious lucky message.
Be sure to check out the Love Fortune Cookies too.
What will you get? Wisdom, advice, prophecy, a positive message? We have it all. Just click on the cookie to get it!

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All readings from this section:
- Crystal Ball Oracle
- Fortune Cookie Game
- Free Love Oracle
- Lucky Clover Game
- Magic 8 Ball Game
- Ask The Magic Love Ball
- Love Fortune Cookie Game
- Lovers' Book Oracle
- Rose Petal Reading Oracle
- Yes or No Oracle
- Coffee Cup (Turkish) Reading Oracle
- Tea Leaves Reading Oracle
- Book Page Oracle
- I Ching (Yijing) Fortune Telling Oracle
- Candle Reading Oracle
- Wheel of Solomon Oracle
- Domino Fortune Telling Oracle
- Three Dominoes Fortune Telling Oracle